Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year

Well, here it is - the new year has arrived! :) David is back to work this week. We are still putting away our Christmas stuff. I packed the tree ornaments two nights ago, but then realized we don't have enough tape to close the boxes and store them yet! Tonight, I took down the Christmas lights outside. I think David will pack the tree tonight and store it back in the garage, which means I get my bookshelves back in the living room! :) I'm only going to put back half the books, and use the other shelves to display some pictures and pretty things we don't really have room for anywhere else.

We are planning to work in the back bedroom and clean it to get it ready to become the baby's nursery. We need to clean the floor, because our last tenants had a dog stay in there, and sometimes when the heat collects in the room, it smells yukky like a wet dog! We may replace the window; otherwise, we will fix the one that's in there. My parents have found the pieces we need to fix it. My sister is making some Winnie-the-Pooh curtains, and I get to watch her do it sometime next week. We have been blessed with lots of baby items already, so we need to get them organized and put where they are going to go. I'm looking forward to having a little girl's room back there very soon!

The Parmesan chicken smells like it's done in the oven... better go get it out. :) We'll catch up some more later!

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