Monday, January 26, 2009

New Picture

Just now, I tried taking a self-portrait of my ever-growing tummy, using the refrigerator as a backdrop. None of the pictures turned out too great, so I'm just gonna post the one that, to me, looked the best.

We are going to start work on the nursery this weekend, I think - at least, that's the last plan I heard. :) To do that, we are planning to clean out our garage on Saturday, and get rid of a lot of the stuff in there, so that we can put the bed and desk from the back bedroom out into the garage. Then we can start bringing in the stuff we have already received from family and friends (thank you!!!) and start feeling like it's a baby's room back there. :)

I have one more "monthly" doctor visit, and then the visits go to twice a month - I can't believe how fast the next 3 1/2 months are looking to fly by! :) Zoe is 5 1/2 months along already... 25 weeks today. Her kicks are getting much stronger, and more often, but especially when I lay down to sleep at night. She mostly kicks on my right side, and I'm beginning to think she likes to feel Daddy's big strong hand, because her kicks aren't so strong when he tries to feel. :) We have another ultrasound scheduled for the middle of February, which is supposed to give us more "facial shots." This is such an exciting time! :)

Beautiful spring is right around the ko'no! We plan to plant grass in half of our front yard, and I hope to get some flowers planted, too. I'd like to take out the evergreen bush that's right next to the driveway, but we'll see if it's too big to waste time whacking at. :) If all that gets done, it will be quite the transformation out there! And Lord willing, no huge wind storms will knock down any more huge branches off the big tree like last year!

Time to turn the heater down and open up doors and windows! Time to get the house organized and ready for the baby! Time to get excited about a wonderful spring season! :) God is so good to His children, amen?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute!!! I so wish to see all of our family right now!!!