Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching Up

So here we are... enjoying the beautiful day, a nice restful day. A few snowflakes blew here and there this morning, but never stuck (since we're so close to the river, and lower in altitude?). Other parts of town got a little bit, too.

Today, I've been kinda busy. I've almost finished our laundry (that's an accomplishment these days!), I've cleaned the living room (you can see the coffee table top now!!!), I've wrapped the gifts we have purchased so far for our family (they look good under the tree), and I've started signing Christmas cards and addressing envelopes (have to wait to mail until David signs his John Hancock). The day is only halfway through, but it sure feels good to be home and doing things around the house that need to get caught up on.

I am now 18 weeks along in my pregnancy, and still dealing here and there with moments of morning sickness. Thankfully, I haven't got it too bad, and when it hits, it's pretty manageable. The baby is not quite 6" long, and weighs 5.25 ounces - 1 1/2 times as much as last week. Any time now I should feel him/her start moving, little kicks and punches (I hear as they work out?). lol. I'm really excited to feel him/her for the first time! Counting down.......... (and sorry for the multiple him/her, he/she... I hate calling the baby an "it").

As soon as I figure out how to connect my laptop back to the Internet and/or save pictures to David's computer, I will post some pictures from Thanksgiving and of our Christmas tree. We put up the ornaments last night, and now it looks really pretty.

I'll post some more later... keep checking back! :)

1 comment:

Jon and Jalane said...

i didnt know you were pregnant!?!?!?!?!?!?!! oh my gosh! congrats!!!! when are you due?