Zoe is now officially not only crawling, but pulling herself up to standing using certain large and sturdy objects. Her favorites are the boxes we have out ready to be wrapped for Christmas presents. She pulls herself up and then looks around for us to notice her standing. :) She loves crawling, and is getting faster and better every day. Her favorite things to play with are not, as one might think, the fun and colorful rattles and noisy toys. Alas, her favorites are cell phones and television remotes! When David found Zoe's spit up in his work iPhone, we figured it was time to start saying no to these most precious of toys. We are also starting the "no" phase for certain un-kid-friendly things around the house, such as the Christmas tree, the dining room blinds, and the cords to my laptop and other electronic devices. Currently, Zoe just crawled from the living room to her new favorite perch under the dining room table. She had her first booboo today when she hit her head on the table leg. A quick hug and kiss from Mommy and a few apple cinnamon Puffs made the pain diminish very quickly. :) She is happily occupied under the table looking up at me while I type this post. She laughs a lot and is starting to respond to us calling her name. All in all, she is turning into quite the social butterfly.
Here are a couple of pictures from this past weekend. Enjoy!