We have been busy in the last few weeks... I was talking to my mom yesterday, and she mentioned there have not been any new blog posts in a while (hint!). So I thought I'd post an update (minus the pictures - still haven't figured that one out yet!).
We are doing okay. :) I think I have strep throat this week, but David is healthy, and so far, Zoe is doing really good. Right now, she's waking up from a nap in her swing. She is growing so much! She's almost 4 1/2 months old, and goes for her checkup next Tuesday. We'll see at that appointment how much she weighs. She has started to hold things in her hands, and is just beginning to realize things can go in her mouth! :) She loves to laugh, and smiles all the time. I have a video clip of her yesterday, which I will post when I figure out how to get it off my camera onto David's Mac. :)
School is going fine. Lots of homework, though! David starts seminary classes at our church next Tuesday. He is super excited about that! He's going to have a busy year, but he loves to stay busy (otherwise, if he sits still, he falls asleep! lol).
We are really enjoying our new house. It is amazing - we haven't bought new furniture, and with how well it fits in here, I'm amazed we fit it all in the other place!! The Lord has graciously provided tenants for both sides of our duplex (one of the families is Christian, too!). David is busy finishing up getting both sides ready.
Ut oh! Zoe has started crying (I moved her to tummy time in her playpen). Guess I better go save her! :) :)